Selected Publications
Fong, C. R., J. DeCesaro, G. Clawson, M. Frazier, H. Epperly, H. E. Froehlich, and B. S. Halpern. 2024. Downscaled climate change threats to United States freshwater finfish aquaculture. Science of the Total Environment.
Fong, C. R., J. DeCesaro, G. Clawson, M. Frazier, B. S. Halpern, and H. E. Froehlich. 2024. Winners and Losers in U.S. Marine Aquaculture under Climate Change. Environmental Research Letters 19, 11: 114024.
H.E. Froehlich, D. Mizuta, J. Wilson. 2024. Froehlich, H. E., Mizuta, D. D., & Wilson, J. R. 2024. Public conservation connection and support between ocean and terrestrial systems in the United States. PloS one, 19(7): e0307431.
Lester, S.E., R.R. Gentry*δαω, and H.E. Froehlich. 2024. The role of marine aquaculture in contributing to the diversity and stability of U.S. seafood production. Marine Policy, 160: 105994.
Halpern, B.S., M. Frazier, J. Verstaen, P. Rayner, G. Clawson, J.L. Blanchard, R.S. Cottrell, H.E. Froehlich, J.A. Gephart, N. Sand Jacobsen, C.D. Kuempel, P.B. McIntyre, M. Metian, D. Moran, K.L. Nash, J. Többen, D.R. Williams. 2022. The cumulative environmental footprint of global food production. Nature Sustainability. 10.1038/s41893-022-00965-x
Froehlich, H.E., J.Z. Koehn, K.K. Holsman, B.S. Halpern. 2021. Emerging trends in science and news of climate change threats to and adaptation of aquaculture. Aquaculture. 549: 737-812. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737812
Froehlich, H.E., R.R. Gentry, S.E. Lester, R.S. Cottrell, G. Fay, T.A. Branch, J.A. Gephart, E.R. White, and J.K. Baum. 2021. Securing a Sustainable Future for US Seafood in the Wake of a Global Crisis. Marine Policy, 104328.
Cottrell, R.S., M. Metian, H.E. Froehlich, J.L. Blanchard, N. Sand Jacobsen, P.B. McIntyre, K.L. Nash, D.R. Williams, L. Bouman, J.A. Gephart, C.D. Kuempel, Daniel D. Moran, M. Troell, B.S. Halpern. 2021. Time to rethink trophic levels in aquaculture policy. Reviews in Aquaculture. *selected as the editorial Sena De Silva paper of the year
Kuempel, C.D., H.E. Froehlich, B.S. Halpernω. 2021. An informed thought experiment exploring the potential for a paradigm shift in aquatic food production. Ocean and Coastal Management. 206: 105574.
Cottrell, R.S., D.M. Ferraro, G.D. Blasco, B.S. Halpern, and H.E. Froehlich. 2021. The Search for Blue Transitions in Aquaculture-Dominant Countries. Fish and Fisheries.
Halpern, B.S., J. Maier, H.J. Lahr, G. Blasco, C. Costello, R.S. Cottrell, O. Deschenes, et al. 2021. The Long and Narrow Path for Novel Cell-Based Seafood to Reduce Fishing Pressure for Marine Ecosystem Recovery. Fish and Fisheries.
White, E.R, H.E. Froehlich, J.A. Gephart, R.S. Cottrell, T.A. Branch, and J.K. Baum. 2020 Effects of COVID-19 on US Fisheries and Seafood Consumption. Fish and Fisheries.
Cottrell, R.S., J.L. Blanchard, B.S. Halpern, M. Metian, and H.E. Froehlich. 2020. Global Adoption of Novel Aquaculture Feeds Could Substantially Reduce Forage Fish Demand by 2030. Nature Food.
Costello, C., L. Cao, S. Gelcich, M. Á Cisneros-Mata, C.M. Free, H.E. Froehlich, C.D. Golden, et al. 2020. “The Future of Food from the Sea.” Nature.
Froehlich, H.E., J.Couture, L. Falconer, G.Krause, J.A. Morris, M. Perez, G.D. Stentiford, H. Vehviläinen, and B.S. Halpern. 2020. “Mind the Gap between ICES Nations’ Future Seafood Consumption and Aquaculture Production.” ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Froehlich, H.E., J.C. Afflerbach, M. Frazier, B.S. Halpern. 2019. Blue Growth potential to mitigate Climate Change through seaweed offsetting. Current Biology. 10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.041
Froehlich H.E., R.R. Gentry, B.S. Halpern. 2018. Global change in marine aquaculture production potential under climate change. Nature Eco Evo. 10.1038/s41559-018-0669-1
Froehlich, H.E., N. Sand Jacobsen, T.E. Essington, T. Clavelle, B.S. Halpern. 2018. Avoiding the Ecological Limits of Forage Fish for Fed Aquaculture. Nature Sustainability. 10.1038/s41893-018-0077-1
Froehlich, H.E., C.A. Runge, R.R. Gentry, S.D. Gaines, B.S. Halpern. 2018. Comparative terrestrial feed and land use of an aquaculture-dominant world. PNAS. 10.1073/pnas.1801692115
Froehlich, H.E., R.R. Gentry, B.S. Halpern. 2017. Conservation aquaculture: shifting the narrative and paradigm of aquaculture’s role in resource management. Bio. Con. 215: 162-168. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.09.012
Froehlich, H.E., A. Smith, R.R. Gentry, B.S. Halpern. 2017. Offshore aquaculture: I know it when I see it. Frontiers in Mar. Sci. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00154
Froehlich, H.E., T.E. Essington, P.S. McDonald. 2017. When does hypoxia affect management performance of a fishery? A Management Strategy Evaluation of Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) fisheries in Hood Canal, Washington, U.S.A. CJFAS. 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0269
Froehlich, H.E., R.R. Gentry, M.B. Rust, D. Grimm, B.S. Halpern. 2017. Public perceptions of aquaculture: evaluating spatiotemporal patterns of sentiment around the world. PLoSONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0169281
Froehlich, H.E., R.R., Gentry, B.S., Halpern. 2016. Synthesis and comparative analysis of physiological tolerance and life-history growth traits of marine aquaculture species. Aquaculture. 460: 75–82. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2016.04.018